Timor-Leste Parliament Vote to Extend State of Emergency to 27 May Featured

By April 28, 2020 1558
Timor-Leste Parliament Timor-Leste Parliament

DILI: National Parliament voted on Monday to extend Timor-Leste’s state of emergency aimed at stemming the spread of the coronavirus by four weeks to 27 May.

Timor-Leste has 24 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and no deaths, but that number could rise if measures to restrict people’s movement and contact with each other is lifted, health authorities warn.

Timor-Leste’s parliament voted 37 to 23, with four members abstaining, to extend extraordinary powers to the government. This includes the continued closure of businesses and national borders, as well as power to shut down large gatherings of people.

The state of emergency, which started on 28 March and was due to last for one month, also holds measures that enforce social distancing of at least one metre and limits people’s movements.

As of Monday, 472 patients have been tested for the fast-spreading virus, 24 positive and another 81 people are awaiting tests results.

Some 448 people are undergoing 14 days mandatory quarantine, 337 in Dili and 68 in municipalities.

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