National (558)

DILI:Xanana Gusmao has called on Timor-Leste’s President Francisco Lu Olo Guterres to cease his Fretilin party influence, in a bid to end a prolonged political impasse that has stalled parliament since January. A legislative stalemate has dominated Timor-Leste’s politics since a coalition of opposition parties, led by Gusmao and with…


DILI: The Alliance for Change and Progress (AMP) party has distanced itself from setting a date when it will announce its Prime Minister choice, as commentators put it down to a two man race between Xanana Gusmao and Taur Matan Ruak.


DILI:The head of the Fretilin Party has called for an investigation into vote counting in Oecusse after the party saw a large swing against it on Saturday’s parliamentary vote.


DILI:The President of Democratic Party (PD), Mariano Asanami, has said his party was ready to cooperate with the new eighth government of Timor-Leste, prioritisng prosperity and the development of the country. The Democratic Party picked up 5 seats on Saturday’s parliamentary vote.


DILI: Xanana Gusmao is tipped to return as Prime Minister of Timor-Leste with his coalition of opposition parties taking a lead in the final stages of the preliminary election count, according to the state election commission.


DILI: Timor-Leste’s Police Commander has called on politicians to put aside their differences and accept the results from Saturday’s election.


DILI: Timor-Leste’s police commissioner has said arrests have been made in connection to campaign violence between opposition political parties in Los Palos and Makadiki over the weekend.


DILI: Three men suspected of trafficking drugs into Timor-Leste have fled to Indonesia, the Court of Appeal said on Monday. On 23 January, 2018, Timor-Leste coastguard intercepted a shipmen from China destined for Dili that had nine shipping containers filled with drugs.


DILI: The President of National Election Committee has rejected claims of tampering of ballet papers delivered to Covalima this week.


DILI: The reason behind the strange behavior of a Timorese youth that had him kicked off a plane in Dili, remains a mystery according to Nivio Mangalhaes, the Secretary of State for Youth and Employment (SEJT).


DILI – Since news broke early this month that government funding to support Timor-Leste’s only free health clinic had been cut off, it’s been the public who have stepped in.


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